Psychotherapy Services

Dr. Linden uses a variety of psychological modalities for treatment. These include supportive, psycho-dynamic, insight oriented, cognitive behavioral, mind-body, and holistic clinical psychotherapy.

People present with a range of needs. Some just want to know themselves better. Some have problems coping with life stressors and/or emotions. These may include such problems as relationship difficulties, parenting questions and challenges, job stresses, and medical concerns.

History of traumas from abuse, accidents, and loss are often underlying contributors to distress. Symptoms of anxiety and depression can be debilitating.

Dr Linden places an emphasis on building a trusting relationship. She assesses, together with the client, the particulars of the problem. Utilizing the right approaches and techniques that best suit the individual’s needs and personality she next helps in the development of the skills, the confidence and the plan to resolve the problem. Stress reduction techniques, mindfulness training and hypnosis are among her many therapeutic interventions.

Adult Psychotherapy is available for individuals, couples, parents and the family.

Contact Information
Dr. Julie H. Linden
P.O. Box 742
Oquossoc, ME 04964-0742
Phone: 215-760-0772